Predicting cryptocurrency prices is to tough because the market is highly unpredictable and influenced by many factors. However, many machine learning and statistical methods have been developed to try and forecast future prices. These methods usually use historical pricing trends, market volumes, and analytical indicators to discern patterns. Cryptocurrencies, which are digital currencies not controlled by governments or banks, are becoming more popular despite their unpredictable behavior. This makes it hard for investors to decide when to buy or sell. To tackle this challenge, we need a smarter system that uses machine learning to analyze past price trends, trading data, and other factors like regulations, economic changes, and even social media buzz. Such a system would be flexible and quick to adapt to the constantly changing cryptocurrency market, helping investors make better decisions. This study reviews the latest methods for predicting cryptocurrency prices, evaluating their strengths, weaknesses, and how well they work in real life. It also explores the difficulties in making accurate predictions and highlights suggested areas for future research to enhance these techniques.
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Saurav Rana , Jyoti Yaduwanshi
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