All the accepted and presented papers shall be part of the IIETA Publications and shall be considered for publication in the various IIETA journals such as SCI, and Scopus indexed journals in the Regular Issue.
AAIR Lab, India
Advanced and Innovative Research Laboratory (AAIR Lab) is a research and development (R&D), training, product, and service-based Indian company. The company focus on the enrichment of quality and knowledge to the newcomer's graduates (B.Tech./B.E./etc.), postgraduates (M.Tech./M.E./etc.), and researchers. The Company also works on the project, and thesis consultancy or supervision, report writing, thesis writing, research paper publication, and conference management. The development division of AAIR Lab designs and deploys the latest technological software and electronic system level products and solutions for customers around the world in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering, and Computer Science and Engineering.
National University Mayor de San Marcos, Peru
The Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos ( UNMSM ) is a public university located in the city of Lima, Peru. In the Americas, it is the first officially established and the oldest continuously operating university founded in 12 May 1551. It is considered the most important, recognized and representative educational institution at the national level. It is the first university in Peru and South America, as well as the first university to be officially founded by Real Provision and authorized by Royal Cédula in the Americas, in addition to being the longest time in uninterrupted operation since its founding on the continent, which is why it is referred to as the oldest university in America and appears in official documents and publications as "University of Peru, Dean of America".